A New Start

Well, I was just notified that it’s been 2 years since we announced the launch of Viking and Anarchy. I’ve always intended to make this blog a priority, however running a company in it’s infancy, as well as expansion and crazy growth, is as you would expect-crazy busy. Creating content sort of got pushed to the back burner. However, seeing the notification really got me thinking that I would love to give this blog a real honest go. So stay tuned for weekly content. Not just about beard products but about entrepreneurship and the ups and downs of growing a company from just a local buzz to Canada wide. I’ll also be sharing about family and relationships as that is what I strongly believe business is all about…relationships.


Redefining Gentleman

Hey guys! I’ve been thinking about this blog post for awhile. It’s been hard to wrap my head around. I’ve been brooding over redefining the term “Gentleman” verses what the original term meant according to the English gentry…

“Gentleman signifies a man who is independently wealthy but could not claim any other title or Rank.”

Well…I’ll tell you what I think and then leave the rest up to you.

When people think of a Gentleman, images of top hats, smoking jackets, monocle’s, and a finely tailored suit are some of the first images that come to mind. I personally have images of Homer Simpson slapping people in the face with a glove while the B52’s sing “Glove Slap”.


So, the other day I was hanging out, having some post work patio beers with a friend and colleague and we discussed it briefly.

Do you want to know what we discussed?

We discussed how the title of Gentleman is not driven by wealth and that it is an attitude; it’s something that a man has purposed in his heart. It involves treating others in a respectful and honourable way; not taking advantage of others and standing up for minorities and the down trodden. Gentleman are courageous not just in the face of an enemy but in the dealings with yourself and your friends. Gentleman are strong, not always in the physical sense..but they have a lot of heart. The title of Gentleman is attainable by all men, no matter where you are in life, and the smoking jackets, top hats, tailored suits, fine whiskeys, and cigars are really cool too.

Is this an all encompassing definition?

My definition is by no means all encompassing. This is just a quick overview of the discussion my colleague and I had over some beers. I think the title of” Gentleman” is what you make it and it is relative to the person claiming it. I would love to hear your feedback. Feel free to add to this definition of Gentleman in the comments below.  Beard Strong Gentlemen….


Clayten Willington

Better Beard Company

Who is Better Beard Co

As I sit here and contemplate “who is Better Beard Co”, I find myself using the word “we” when referring to the Better Beard Company but really, Better Beard Co is me, because we are a company of 1 and my name is Clayten Willington…

This is where a handshake would be appropriate, followed up with a “nice to meet you”. I’m not going to delve into what we do in this first blog post, but instead I’m going to establish who the man behind the Better Beard Company is and what our philosophy for the business is. If you want to know what we do, follow us here, or on twitter and facebook and don’t forget to check out our website at http://www.betterbeardcompany.ca.

So, to tell you who we are, I’ll tell you who I am. I’m a father to 5 children ages 7 and under. I’m a husband to my wonderful wife, Kelly. I’m a proud Canadian and I absolutely love being Canadian. I’m addicted to the Rick Mercer Report. I love watching it and seeing the diversity that this nation offers from coast to coast. I love MMA, Football, and Hockey. I belong to a board gaming group and I also collect miniature games, such as 40K or Infinity.


I’m a walking contradiction because I love tattoos and piercings, but… I hate needles… which my wife is thankful for because I would be covered head to toe in ink.

I am a very spiritual person.  It defines me and is the core of my identity.

Obviously, I’m a business owner. I like being an entrepreneur because I like people.

I believe in human business because I love relationships and that is what business is to me. It’s creating and maintaining relationships. I love the work and I don’t do it for the money (okay… the money helps). I don’t think money is the road to happiness but I think it is beneficial. Money makes the road to happiness more like a newly paved road, easy to travel and somewhat pleasant for those on the journey with you, as opposed to a gravel road or one riddled with pot holes.

I was born and raised in rural Alberta…so I guess I lean more to the hillbilly side than most of my friends.  I’m not a writer and this blogging thing is new to me. All of this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to know more, I’m always up for a Tea, or you can just email me.

So, “who is Better Beard Co”?

Better Beard Company values people and family. We value tolerance and honor for all people. We are proudly Canadian. We value hard work and doing the job right because, like my grandfather always said,

“if the job is worth doing, it’s worth doing right.”

I hope you have a great day and follow us for new blog updates and all that fun social media jazz.


Thanks so much,

Clayten Willington

Better Beard Company